Kami dengan bangga mempersembahkan Atap UPVC Masakaya atau Atap Karbon UPVC. Produk UPVC Isolasi Carbon ini adalah produk merek terbaru di Indonesia, yang dipercayai memiliki begitu banyak keuntungan. Bahan baku Atap UPVC Masakaya yang digunakan dihasilkan dari TOTAL FINA-France, Chevron-Amerika Serikat dan Mitsubishi-Jepang yang dikenal yang memiliki kepedulian besar terhadap mutu dan kualitas.

Produk ini akan mengubah dan menjawab semua pikiran orang tentang produk Atap UPVC. Dan perusahaan kami, CV. Rifan Cahaya Semesta akan memastikan dan Jaminan bahwa Atap UPVC Masakaya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, keprihatinan terhadap lingkungan. Atap UPVC Masakaya sangat cocok untuk penahan panas dan cocok untuk iklim di Indonesia, Anti korosif, dan ramah lingkungan. Atap UPVC Masakaya tidak mengandung asbes dan tidak melepaskan karsinogen yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan dalam gedung dan lingkungan.
Manfaat lainnya yaitu untuk perusahaan Kontraktor atau pekerjaan pemasangan Atap, karena Atap UPVC Masakaya sangat mudah dalam proses instalasi, mudah dipotong, lentur, mempunyai kekuatan yang sangat baik. dan yang paling penting harga Atap UPVC Masakaya sangat murah dengan kualitas terbaik yang dimilikinya.

  1. Long service life : 40-45 years.
  2. Colorfast : 10-15 years without color fading.
  3. Loading bearing : It can load 150 KG per square meter evenly.
  4. Light weight: 6.1 KG/Square Meter.
  5. Water resistance : 100 %
  6. Fire resistance : Self-extinguish off fire.
  7. Anti corrosion.
  8. Impact resistance and low temperature resistance.
  9. Sound and heat insulation.
  10. Small Thermal expansivity.
  11. Environmental protection and energy conservation.
  12. Easy to install.
  • Red 
  • Light Red 
  • Terra Cotta 
  • Grey 
  • Green 
  • Blue 
  • Black 
  • ETC

Special colors are available according to client's color swatch.

Width :
900 mm
Weight :
6.1 ± 0.1Kg/Square Meter
Thickness :
3.0 mm
Length customize :
The multiple of 250 mm
Minimum slope :
Batten Space :
750 mm
Overlap :
30 mm
Efficiency :
90 %


Fast Color :
The top layer material of MASAKAYA roof tile is PMMA material, super weather resistance material made by ATOGLAS company is suitable for outdoor use. Our MASAKAYA roof tile is endowed with super weather ability and able to maintain the color stability even exposing under the condition of ultra-violet radiation, humidity, heat, chillness and impact.                                                                                                                         
Our MASAKAYA roof tile has passed 12,000 hours accelerated aging test in China National Center for Test of Chemical Building Materials and the result is E≤5
MASAKAYA Roof Tile Loading Resistance :
By test, in condition of 750mm supporting span and 100kg applied load there is no crack or any damage in MASAKAYA roof tile.
MASAKAYA Roof Tile Installation :
Quick and easy installation with large size of one single MASAKAYA roof tile sheet
Insulation :
The coefficient of heat conductivity of MASAKAYA roof tile is 0.325w/m, 1/3 of that of clay tile, 1/5 of that of cement tile and 1/2000 of that of 0.5mm thick color steel tile, thus owning good heat preservation.
Corrosion Resistance :
Excellent anti-corrosion performance.The material of MASAKAYA  roof tile is resistant to many chemical materials. By test, there is no chemical action by dipping into concentrated hydrochloric acid, 90% acid, 60% nitric acid and 20% sodium hydroxide for 24 hours.
Water Proof :
The material of MASAKAYA roof tile is dense and 100% free of water absorption. The main MASAKAYA roof tile is large in area and 30mm high in wave peak; the connection is tight, thus it is good in water tightness.
Impact Resistance and Low Temperature Resistance :
According to the physical experiment, MASAKAYA roof tile neither cracks when hitting by a 1kg steel ball free falling from 2m height nor breaks after 10 times of falling ball impact at a low temperature. Through 30 freeze thawing recycle testing of China National Center for Test of Chemical Building Materials, it is free of hollowness, frothing, peeling and crackle.
Light Weight :
With the density of 6.1kg/m2, MASAKAYA roof tile is able to effectively reduce the load of buildings, save the frame materials and facilitates moving and hoisting, then lowers construction cost.
Anti Flaming :
The main material of  MASAKAYA roof tile is non- combustible polyvinyl chloride resin. MASAKAYA roof tile is self-extinguishing and according to the test of China National Center for Test of Chemical Building Materials, it is fireproof performance reaches Class-B1.
Self-cleaning :
As the special design of the profile, the MASAKAYA roof tile does not absorb dusts after being washed by rain.
Environment-friendly and Energy Saving :
MASAKAYA roof tile has passed the certification of China Environmental Labeling Product. With the features of environmental protection, energy saving, recyclability, it has been energetically promoted by the country.

Heavenland Park, Golden Gate T-22
Jl. Raya Lingkar Timur – Candi - Sidoarjo
Office         : 08212121 9294
Phone         : 08555111 9592
E-Mail        :
Website      :,%20Saya%20tertarik%20dengan%20produk%20anda. %20Mohon%20informasi%20lebih%20lanjut

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